| August 16, 2022

The global ELT teaching profession is vast. Teachers may be state-licensed, certificated, university graduates or part of the vast global TESOL profession. In the 1990s there was an academic movement, Classroom Action Research, though by the turn of the century it had not taken hold.

Nevertheless, classroom teachers are the best evidence of English second language acquisition research, either intentionally or indirectly. Vast amounts of SLA knowledge come from classroom teachers – those who are at forefront of English Language Learning. 30 years after the emergence of Action Research we believe now is the time for a journal dedicated to teachers who share their hard-won knowledge with a global English teaching audience. The ESL/EFL (ESOL) profession has roughly 1.75 billion English language learners worldwide.

This journal will be at the forefront of publishing language learning ideas, and potential SLA research breakthroughs that will assist, and guide, the future generation of English language teachers. While submissions may be a shorter length with abbreviated literature review, papers must be of a teacher scholarly standard, well researched and carefully referenced.

Category: ELTCRJ